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Don't Overlook A Category Page: Why Category Description is a Game-Changer

4 min read | Published on Oct 1, 2024 |
Written by Peter Skouhus

A Danish entrepreneur who owns and 1902 Software Development, an IT company in the Philippines where he has lived since 1998. Peter has extensive experience in the business side of IT and AI development, strategic IT management, and sales.

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Don't Overlook A Category Page: Why Category Description is a Game-Changer

Every element in a webshop impacts the overall performance of the website. That is why many eCommerce owners prioritize content creation in business. It is all about crafting engaging content that will convert a searcher’s curiosity into sales! 

While focusing on the content of each product listing is essential, there is another element in your website that you should never underestimate– the text in each category page. From category descriptions to category SEO text, this content is important for your eCommerce site. Why? Let’s break it down in this article.

What is a category page

Think of this web page as a bridge between your homepage and your product pages. They are key doorways that welcome and guide searchers to their desired specific products or services offered by your business. When potential customers find themselves in this section of your webshop, they are more assured that they are on the right path in their search journey. 

Category text is usually what is inside a category page. The main content is the category description. It consists of information that tells the classification of this group of products. 

For example, in a clothing store’s ‘men’s bottoms’  category, it could center around general information on jeans, slacks, and shorts.

Category text also includes the typical text any webpage should have such as a meta title, meta description, and an Open Graph text. 

These text elements are crucial to grab the attention of searchers online. They are text snippets that, when written persuasively, could upgrade simple browsing to buying or purchasing.

The importance of a category text

In boosting your digital marketing strategies, a category page should not be forgotten. If you are a big eCommerce business with tons of products and services to offer, this type of web page is essential to keep things organized.

With that in mind, the text or category description in this web page is an essential part of browsing your web shop. However, this content is more than just for easy navigation. It is also necessary for the following: 

  • SEO-optimization: With the right keywords in your category description, you can be more visible online. It helps you be more effective in attracting the right customers to your business.
  • Improved conversion rate: The text in your category page is not only for giving more information. It is an avenue for boosting sales especially if the writing is compelling or persuasive.
  • Strengthened branding: The content in the webpage is another opportunity to showcase who you are as a brand. This means reflecting your business’ voice and personality.

Best practices for creating category text

To make this element more effective, there are many ways you can ensure that you get all the benefits. From higher search engine ranking to increased profits, the benefits are numerous especially if you follow these practices:

  • Keyword optimization: Identifying and using the right key phrases are essential for creating more SEO-friendly content. Using different tools can help you in keyword analysis, helping you choose the best keywords for every category description.
  • Clear and concise language: People online are all about ease and convenience. Being straight to the point is key to keeping them engaged.
  • User-centric approach: Language that is easy to understand is not the only strategy for a category page. Relatability is also important in writing tone and style, allowing you to connect with your customers more.

Generate category text with

Writing effective content is a breeze with It is your trusted AI writing tool for your eCommerce site! is designed to be the all-around companion for generating effective text. It is now developed to be more than a tool to create optimized product descriptions, meta titles, meta descriptions, image alt text, and Open Graph texts. 

In the 1.40 version, generating text for every category page is more convenient. Whether you are writing a category description or a meta description, you can experience a hassle-free content production for each content element with 

Not convinced yet? Here are a few reasons this text generator can help you in content creation:

  • Boost efficiency: In just a click, can generate compelling text quickly. No need to worry about writer’s block or constant revisions when creating a high-quality category description!
  • Optimized content: SEO strategies are more convenient because does it for you. Keyword research and keyword integration is all done in one platform.
  • Personalized writing: Speaking the language of your target audience in your category page is made more convenient. Attract and connect with your customers effectively with the help of’s many features

Key takeaway

There is no doubt that a category page is a thoughtful way of making your webshop friendlier to your potential customers. That is why the text or category description are essential writing elements. To make sure these contents impact your eCommerce success, you can use tools like to craft compelling writing that will captivate customers and ensure sales.
