Update keyword optimization parameters

post /text/keywords/optimization
This API endpoint is used to update the image used in automatic rewriting.


Authentication Required
Bearer access_token
Request Headers
Authorization: Bearer access_token
Content-Type: application/json
Parameter Name Type Description
storeId string, required Identifies the storefront for the text object.
type string, required Specifies the type of object to optimize, which can be either Product or Category.
recordId string, required Unique identifier of the record for which keywords are optimized.
languageCode string, optional A 2-letter code indicating the language, e.g., "en". Defaults to "en" if not provided.
imageId string, optional Identifier of the associated image for additional optimization context.

Example API Request



//The request was successfully processed. The response includes details of the keyword optimization process, such as the optimization status, steps completed, traffic potential, ranking keywords, and generated pipelines.
//This error occurs when the request is improperly formatted or missing required fields.
//This error occurs when the specified resource (e.g., recordId) cannot be located.
//The server encountered an error when processing the request.