Get status of generated texts

get /text/Generate/Status
This method retrieves the status of all generated text, including generated, edited, reviewed, and transferred text. The results can be filtered by various criteria such as type, storeId, language, date range, username, and status.


Authentication Required
Bearer access_token
Request Headers
Authorization: Bearer access_token
Parameter Name Type Description
type string, required Specifies the type of text to retrieve (e.g., "Product", "Category").
storeId string, optional Filters results by the store ID.
language string, optional Filters results by language code.
startDate string, date-time, optional The inclusive start date for filtering results.
endDate string, date-time, optional  The exclusive end date for filtering results.
userName string, optional Filters results by username.
fields array of strings, optional Filters results by text types.
status array of strings, optional Filters by generation status, such as "Generated", "Edited", "Reviewed", "Transferred".
continuationToken string, optional The token used to retrieve the next page of results.
pageSize integer, optional Specifies the number of results per page (default=100).


//This status is returned when the status of all generated text is successfully retrieved.
//This status is returned if the API key is missing or invalid.
//The server encountered an error when processing the request.
Parameter Name Type Description
continuationToken string The token used to retrieve the next page of results if there are more available.
records array of objects The list of records containing the status of each generated text, including:
  • recordId (string): The ID of the text record.
  • field (string): The type of text (e.g., "Product", "Category").
  • status (string): The current status of the text (e.g., "Generated", "Edited").
  • date (string, date-time): The timestamp when the action was performed.
  • userName (string): The username who performed the action.