Get text generation history

get /text/Generate/History
This method retrieves a history of text generation requests based on various filter criteria such as type, storeId, recordId, start and end dates, and more. It allows you to paginate through the results using a continuation token.


Authentication Required
Bearer access_token
Request Headers
Authorization: Bearer access_token
Parameter Name Type Description
type string, required Specifies the type of history to retrieve (e.g., "Product", "Category").
storeId string, required Filters results by the store ID.
recordId string, optional A single or comma-separated list of record IDs to filter by.
startDate string, date-time, optional The inclusive start date for filtering history results.
endDate string, date-time, optional The exclusive end date for filtering history results.
userName string, optional Filters results by the username who performed the request.
language string, optional Filters results by language.
continuationToken string, optional The token used to retrieve the next page of results.
pageSize integer, optional Specifies the number of results per page (default=100, min=100).


//This status is returned when the history is successfully retrieved.
//This status is returned if the API key is missing or invalid.
//This status is returned if no history matching the filters is found.
//The server encountered an error when processing the request.
Parameter Name Type Description
continuationToken string The token used to retrieve the next page of results if there are more available.
histories array of objects The list of history records, each containing:
  • timestamp (string, date-time): The timestamp of when the request was made.
  • textType (string): The text type (e.g., "product description").
  • value (string): The text produced by the action.
  • textId (string): The ID of the text.
  • action (string): Action performed.
  • recordId (string): The ID of the record.
  • editor (string): The username who made the request.
  • language (string): The language used in the request.
  • actionDisplay (string): The action text for display.
  • textTypeDisplay (string): The text type text for display.
  • name (string): The name of the user who made the request.