Delete keyword optimization

delete /text/Keywords/Optimization
This endpoint allows the deletion of keyword optimization data for a specific record in the store. It is used to remove any associated optimization details for the given storeId, type, recordId, and optional languageCode.


Authentication Required
Bearer access_token
Request Headers
Authorization: Bearer access_token
Parameter Name Type Description
storeId string, required The store identifier. Defaults to "default" if not provided.
type string, required Specifies the type of entity, which can be either  Product or Category.
recordId string, required The object or record ID to retrieve optimization data for.
languageCode string, optional A 2-letter code indicating the language, e.g., "en". Defaults to "en" if not provided.

Example API Request



//The keyword optimization data has been successfully deleted.
//This error occurs if the specified data does not exist (for example, an invalid recordId).
//The server encountered an error when processing the request.