Add triggers to pipeline

post /text/Keywords/Optimization/Pipelines/Triggers
This API endpoint is used to add triggers to a pipeline. These triggers define specific actions or conditions associated with the pipeline.


Authentication Required
Bearer access_token
Request Headers
Authorization: Bearer access_token
Content-Type: application/json
Parameter Name Type Description
storeId string, required The store identifier. Defaults to "default" if not provided.
type string, required Specifies the type of pipeline, which can be either Product or Category.
recordId string, required The Object ID associated with the pipeline.
languageCode string, required Two-letter language code, e.g., en. Default is en.
triggers object, required Contains additional trigger configurations for the pipeline.
triggers.additionalProp1 object, optional Additional trigger with options, value, action, and text types.
triggers.additionalProp1.option string, optional Trigger option (e.g., None).
triggers.additionalProp1.value integer, optional Value associated with the trigger.
triggers.additionalProp1.action string, optional Trigger action (e.g., FlagForRewrite).
triggers.additionalProp1.textTypes array, optional Types of text associated with the trigger.

Request body parameters


//The request was successful, and the triggers were added to the pipeline.
//The request failed due to invalid input or missing required parameters.
//The specified pipeline or related resource could not be found.
//The server encountered an error when processing the request.