Get keyword optimization List

get /text/Keywords/Optimization/List
This endpoint retrieves a list of keyword optimization entries based on the specified filters, allowing you to view their statuses, record details, and related metadata.


Authentication Required
Bearer access_token
Request Headers
Authorization: Bearer access_token
Parameter Name Type Description
storeId string, optional The store identifier. Defaults to "default" if not provided.
type string, optional Specifies the type of entity, which can be either  Product or Category.
languageCode string, optional  A 2-letter language code. Default: en.
status array[string], optional Filter by keyword optimization status. Available values: Pending, InProgress, Completed, Failed, Manual.
recordIds array [string], optional Filter by record IDs.
continuationToken string, optional A token used to retrieve the next page of results.
pageSize integer, optional The number of records to retrieve per page. Default value: 100.

Example API Request



//The request was successful, and a list of keyword optimization records was returned.
//This error occurs when the request contains invalid parameters or data.
//The server encountered an error when processing the request.