Details of a specific generation request

get /text/Generate/Bulk/{id}
This method retrieves the details of a specific single or bulk generation request by its unique ID. The response includes information such as the status of the request, start and end times, the number of completed and total records, and other relevant details.


Authentication Required
Bearer access_token
Request Headers
Authorization: Bearer access_token
Content-Type: application/json
Parameter Name Type Description
id string, required The unique identifier for the single or bulk generation request.

Example API Request


//This status is returned when the bulk generation request details are successfully retrieved.
//This status is returned if the specified bulk request ID does not exist.
//The server encountered an error when processing the request.
Parameter Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier of the generation request.
userName string The username of the person who initiated the generation request.
name string The name of the person who initiated the generation request.
recordType string The type of the records in the queue (e.g. "Product").
storeId string The store ID associated with the records in the queue.
status string The current status of the queue (e.g., "Pending", "Running", "Completed").
startTime string, date-time The timestamp when the generation request was started.
endTime string, date-time The timestamp when the generation request was completed (if applicable).
estimatedEndTime string, date-time The estimated time of completion for the generation request.
queuedIds array of strings A list of record IDs that are queued for processing.
runningIds array of strings A list of record IDs that are ongoing processing.
completedIds array of strings A list of record IDs that have been processed, whether successful or failed.
failedIds array of strings A list of record IDs that have failed processing.
completed integer The number of records that have been completed.
total integer The total number of records to be processed.
language string The language code associated with the generation request.