Batch update alt text for images

post /text/Image/altText/batch
This endpoint updates the alt text for multiple images in a single request. You can modify the alt text content for each image, mark them as published and/or reviewed, and apply the updates across multiple images.


Authentication Required
Bearer access_token
Request Headers
Authorization: Bearer access_token
Parameter Name Type Description
images array of objects, required The list of images for which the alt text needs to be updated. Each object contains the following properties:
  • storeId (string, required): The storefront location for the image, used to differentiate images across different stores.
  • language (string, required): The language code for the alt text.
  • imageId (string, required): The unique identifier of the image for which the alt text needs to be updated.
  • textId (string, required): The identifier of the current alt text that is being updated.
  • value (string, required): The updated value of the alt text.
  • publish (boolean, optional): Marks the alt text as published when set to true.
  • reviewed (boolean, optional): Marks the alt text as reviewed when set to true.

Example API Request


//The alt text is successfully updated for all images in the batch.
//This error occurs when the request body is not correctly formatted or required fields are missing.
//This error occurs if the image or related resource (e.g., storeId, imageId, textId) cannot be found.
//The server encountered an error when processing the request.