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What's new in Version 1.30?

WriteText.ai version 1.30 brings two significant updates to help you optimize your product content more effectively.

  AI-powered keyword analysis

Ranked keywords
Automatically see which keywords your pages are currently ranking for. Understand your content strengths and identify opportunities for further optimization.

Competitor insights
Pinpoint the keywords your competitors are ranking for that you’re not. Gain a strategic advantage by identifying gaps in your keyword strategy and capitalizing on new opportunities.

Search Intent
Identify the search intent behind your target keywords. Determine whether users are seeking information, preparing to make a purchase, or simply browsing, and tailor your content to meet their needs effectively.

  Enhanced bulk text generation with Special Instructions

Utilize the new "special instructions" field to add specific guidelines during bulk text generation. Customize your content creation process by providing detailed instructions to ensure the generated text meets your exact requirements.

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