
Smarter product descriptions with AI image analysis

Our advanced AI image analysis tool takes your product content to the next level by understanding the visual details of your products to create engaging and optimized text.

What is AI image analysis?

AI image analysis is a cutting-edge technology that examines the visual content of your product images to extract meaningful information. By analyzing various elements such as colors, shapes, and objects, our AI image analyzer provides a deeper understanding of your products. This technology enables for Shopify to generate highly relevant descriptions, meta titles, meta descriptions, and Open Graph text.

How it works


AI image analysis

Our advanced AI image analyzer examines your product images to extract key details.


Content generation

Using the extracted information, generates contextually relevant product descriptions, meta titles, meta descriptions, and Open Graph text.


Review and publish

Review the generated content and make any necessary adjustments before publishing it to your Shopify store. - the #1 Shopify AI writer

While the AI image analysis is a standout feature, offers many other tools to enhance your Shopify store. Experience convenience and speed in ecommerce copywriting with’s suite of features from image alt text generator, to keyword analysis, custom tones, style, and audiences, and more. See full list of features here.


Enhance your Shopify store's SEO and attract more customers with's powerful meta description generator. Start saving time and boosting your store's performance today.

Try without download or installation

Try without creating an account or any installation. Test up to three products by entering product attributes (e.g., color, weight, size etc.) and SEO keywords.

Generate product text for free

Sign up today and get 35 complimentary credits every month with your free account. You’re up and running in a few minutes — no technical knowledge required.